CNGR financial strategy

CNGR is a company mainly owned by Mr DENG Weiming and listed on the Shenzhen stock exchange (Chinext) since 2020, December 23rd (code 300919).

Total assets and revenue of CNGR have grown for the five consecutive years (2017-2022). While the revenue increased by 51% for the only year 2022, the assets increased by 91% the same year due to significant investment by CNGR.

In just the one year 2022, the net profit rose by 64,4% and return on equity (ROE) by 14% top-ranking in the industry.

These outstanding performances can be explained by different factors:

2 man shaking hands
Numbers going up on a green screen

The rapid sectoral growth

The development of the new electric vehicle industry has created strong market demand for lithium-ion batteries and their precursors.

Product structure

The company’s product structure continues to be optimized, and the shipment volume of high-end products is at the leading level in the industry.

In 2022, the company’s ternary precursor high nickel series products accounted for over 70% of the shipment volume.

Industrial integration

The company actively undertakes nickel resource rough refining and nickel intermediate refining.

We also promote industrial integration, while strengthening the guaranteed supply of key raw materials.

This effectively reduces comprehensive production costs and improves product profitability.

In 2022, the company built and commissioned a crude nickel resource refinery with a capacity to produce 125000 tons of metal.

Capacity utilization rate

The company relies on its technological and customer advantages to steadily expand its scale and maintain a high capacity utilization rate to ensure operational efficiency.

In the past three years, the company has consistently maintained a production capacity utilization rate of over 95% for ternary precursors.

Annual Report 2023

Financial Report 2022

Financial Report 2021


March 19th , 2022

2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan

June 11th, 2022

Issuing of Shares to Specific Targets

June 11th, 2022

Proposal on the Establishment of a Special Account for Raised Funds

June 11th, 2022

Proposal on Diluted Spot Return of Shares Issued by the Company to Specific Targets and Remedial Measures to be Taken by the Company and Commitments of Relevant Entities

July 28th, 2022

Acquisition of 100% Equity of Debonair Holdings Private Limited by Wholly-owned Subsidiaries

July 28th, 2022

Signature of a Joint Venture Agreement for 27.5kt/a Low-nickel Matte Containing Metal (Indonesia) Project between the Wholly-owned Subsidiary Hong Kong CNGR Zhongtuo New Energy Co., Ltd. and DNPL

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